Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Meeting all the Youtubers!!

Hi everyone I thought this would be a fun post to write seen as I have been to four book signings for youtubers now. I have been to Alfie Deyes's, Zoe Sugg's, Tanya Burr's and FleurdeForces. All of these book signings were so exciting for me and I'm so glad that I got the chance to go to them and I'd just like to mention that I'm not writing this post to try and brag about the fact that I met youtubers I'm writing the post because it was an exciting experience for me and I wanted to share how amazing it is to meet the people that you love and who are your inspirations. I'd just like to say props to mine and my friends mums for driving us to all of them! The first one I went to was alfies, I didn't have a blog or a youtube channel and thats why i'm only just talking about them now.

I didn't quite get my whole face in the selfie!
I waited 7 hours in line outside in the cold for about 30 seconds with alfie and it was totally worth every single minute. 

The next book signing I went to was zoe's a.k.a. zoella's. We weren't allowed to take selfies and we didn't wait as long but we got to spend a little more time with zoe.

At this book signing we also got a poster as well.

The next book signing I went to was Tanya's. Once again we weren't allowed to take selfies and it was very rushed. Tanya looked so pretty and although I wasn't aloud to take a selfie my mum got a pic of me with her from the side. I was so devastated when I found out that all of the manchester tickets for Tanya had sold out before I had the chance to get one so my lovely mum decided to let me get tickets to the Leeds signing and for that I am very grateful.

And finally last but not least I met Fleur of FleurDeForce at her Manchester book signing and in terms of experience this was definitely the best out of the four. We were aloud to take selfies

we got to meet Mike and Piglet as well and take more selfies

plus she gave the first 50 or so people a malteser bunny ( which was delicious ). She also vlogged the queue and seen as I was at the front of the queue that was outside of the shop not only was I in that vlog but I was in the thumbnail which made me happy!
Sorry for the long post. Samantha xxx

Sunday, 28 December 2014

You Can't Buy the Best Things in Life

Hi everyone. I know that we are all always wanting more and i'm always taking about things that I love and couldn't live without but this post is about the important things. The things that count. Even though we all want the newest lipgloss that came out last week that is supposed to be amazing but we don't have enough money for it ( I am not using a real life example here ) but the real things that matter come at no cost. The best things are what we need and what matter. These things are things like, to be happy or to be healthy and I just anted to remind everyone that no matter how much money you have you can still have these things and you can still have a great life.
As you can see in this picture all these children look really happy. They have hardly any food and are happier then some of us.Money doesn't matter but spreading happiness and joy is what counts. Just smiling at someone can really brighten their day. So next time you see someone looking glum give them a smile and make a difference. Samantha xxx